This is such a late post. Its only now that I had the time to post this entry. This are photos of my first event with Impact Unlimited Inc. I was stationed at the back stage assisting the hosts. The venue for the event was The Loft, Rockwell. The event we did was for Johnson & Johnson's awarding for their suppliers. I had such a great time here, I did not know Mojo is really good looking, we had him as a host together with Grace Lee. This is a sample photo release I did for Australian College of Hair Design and Beauty's launch. The launch was held at the 4th floor of The Podium. This was the 2nd event I did for Impact Unlimited Inc. and I worked as a Project Assistant. I had soooo much fun doing this event, I got to meet new friends and got a load of freebies.
Finally I found a career that I am really passionate at. Something I know I would love doing for the rest of my life. The career that I would certainly love and I would be happy at. And I found it at Events Management. I'm currently fulfilling my On-the-Job Training (OJT) at Impact Unlimited Inc. I really love it here, I don't feel that I am only doing my OJT but it is as if I am already working with them. I don't mind working the long hours, as long as I love what I do. Its a good thing me and my other 2 friends are seriously planning to start up our very own event management production. Finally, I found what I truly want to do with my life.
Thanks to Belle J. I've been addicted to Japanese & Korean love stories. I love them sooooo much, so much that they make me cry.I recommend you to watch them