[July 11, 2o1o Friday]

June 10, 2010
June 06, 2010
Prevention is better than cure.

Photo: Goggle.com
Every Sunday I never fail to read the opinion section of Patricia Evangelista. I truly admire her; the way she writes and I agree with some of the opinions she expresses. On today's issue she discusses sex education on the younger ones (http://opinion.inquirer.net/inquireropinion/columns/view/20100605-274072/The-Republic-of-Love). This is one of the issues I personally advocate. I believe that this one topic that shouldn't be left alone for the parents to discuss to their children.
It discusses the Church's dismay on the Department of Education's proposal on teaching sex education to children starting from the 5th grade. I understand them, even I wouldn't want today's generation of kids to be having sex with different men or women all the time just because they know what will protect them from getting into a sticky situation. On the contrary, not educating today's kids little by little may result to a number of problems such as: the extreme growth of our population, increased number of cases relating to sexual diseases. They (Church) say that there is a proper time to teach them this issue, but it is a known factor to everyone that due to poverty some of the kids don't even reach high school. They say there is a right age to teach them, tell me when is the right age? When even 14 year-old's or even younger conceive babies already. The point of educating is awareness and as the grading level goes higher, a more in-depth discussion will be taught to children. Starting with letting the child understand the human body, and it goes in-depth as their grading level gets higher. Its not like the school will be teaching 5th graders the different types of contraceptives and how to use them, there are appropriate topics for each grading level. I don't see anything wrong with educating these kids with this kind of issues, lets not shelter these kids.
Let's face it, we are already living in a world wherein the children are exposed to the wonders and dangers of media. I admit, even I a graduate of Mass Communication sees these dangers in exposing the little ones to media. Children these days are not sheltered. Whether the Church or the overly conservative and closed-minded parents want to shelter their child's minds and preserve their innocence, I believe it would be quite hard and impossible for them to do such. Yes, you may monitor your child's television and internet habits or even remove them from their homes, but not everybody's like them. As they step out of the house to go to school, they are exposed to different types of people. They see and meet different kinds of people, some of them openly talking about sex. A child passes by news stands and sees tabloids with headlines like "6 year old molested by uncle". The point of this proposal of the Department of Education is "Prevention through awareness". Letting them be aware of their bodies, what are the body parts wherein no body must not touch, what are their bodies capable of to prevent something that is way beyond anyone's control.
June 04, 2010
Bon Appetit!

To show you that I am so proud of you.
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