Yesterday before going to Trikzy's event I went to Joey's place first so we won't be having a hard time going to Makati. While I was at their place I had so much fun playing with Joey's Xbox 360. I miss those times I had a PlayStation at home, sit on the coach and play with it the whole day. But what really made me smiled was Joey's present for me for our 6th monthsary. It was a desk lampshade with yellow light (I really wanted that for the longest time) with a card which read "My dear BB, Life with you so far has been extraordinary. The love you have given me will last me a thousand lifetimes. Happy 6th. :) I Love You. Joey" Thanks love, I really appreciate it. :)
While we were on our way to Makati, we had so much fun talking about HongKong and Australia (two places me and Joey really love). As we were nearing the venue, Joey really had a hard time looking for a parking spot. I insisted that we stay and look for a parking spot, but at the end we opted to go to park near The Renaissance Hotel which costs 75php for three hours. Joey being frustrated in not finding a nearby parking spot and being hungry he didn't notice that he already ran on a red light. Way before that we were talking about traffic enforcers at Makati, you thought there was none of them then all of the sudden they come stopping right in front of your car. That would make you wonder like, "Where did he come from?" So long story short, we were caught by the Makati traffic police and now Joey's license is somewhere in a police station near Cash and Carry. I felt really pissed with it that for a while I lost my mood to party and enjoy the night, but I felt better as we walked going to the venue but Joey was really affected by it because he's so lazy to go to Makati just for that. Imagine he'll be coming from Sta. Rosa, Laguna then proceed to Makati, that's a long drive and plus he needs to pay 500php just to get his license back.
Anyways, we enjoyed the event even thought we were jammed pack inside and it was really hot. I also saw a really good friend of mine from high school (She was the one whom I wrote notes for if she sleeps through the class and borrowed eye glasses from because I really had poor eyesight). The fashion show was great, they really got great designers and models as well. The intermission numbers were great, and even the hosts really did a great job. Joey and I were really impressed with their event. Great job 4MCADV! :)
Now the quest to find where to eat begins. With all the expensive restaurants around, and no money we really had a hard time finding a place to eat. We walked around Greenbelt, passed by a lot of restaurants and still we were not able to choose. We went a long way to find the right place, and so we ended up choosing Marciano's by JohnandYoko. The food was really great, too many servings for two people (We ordered a 12 inch pizza, and two different kinds of pasta) and it was too much to handle, but we really loved to ambiance of the place. After such, we walked around for a while then I suddenly wanted to drink beer so we went to Sports Grill and ordered a bucket of beer which out of the six bottles we only drank four and while we were drinking we were watching UFC. I really felt that what I am doing on my part was really a guy thing which was a fun thing. :) I learned a number of things about the world of UFC, which was good (at least I learned something new) and we stayed until 12:30 then we decided to go home.
Clearly, it was one expensive and costly day for us so we came to the conclusion that we should hang out at his place for our dates. We could swim at their pool, play Xbox, watch DVDs plus the food is free. We'll be doing more of that with our incoming dates. :) Overall, I really had a great time. I was able to hang out with friends, and spend time with my love. :)
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