Last week I received a text message from my father. The text message was all about the secret meeting of presidential candidate Manny Villar with President Gloria Arroyo and First Gentleman Mike Arroyo at the residence of Quezon City Mayor candidate Mike Defensor. The secret meeting was about Mr. Villar being the real presidential bet of Mrs. Arroyo, and presidential candidate Gilbert Teodoro was just a front of the Arroyo administration. Talks have been made already with the Commission on Elections (Commelec) on how Mr. Villar will win the May 10, 2010 elections, and when Mr. Villar wins the seat of the Speaker of the House is already waiting for her. I think that there is some truth to the rumors that are spreading. First of all it is surprising enough that the Administration chose Mr. Teodoro as their presidential bet because he is not known/ popular to the masses, and the masses have a huge population compared to the C to A class. For Mr. Teodoro to win the elections he needs to capture the hearts of the masses. Most certainly Gilbert Teodoro is not doing well in the list of surveys that have been conducted regarding the popularity of the presidential candidates. I'm not for or against Mr. Teodoro but I think that he doesn't have enough accomplishment so that the people could see or even realize that he could run a country. I am not under estimating what Mr. Teodoro has done, but I just think its not enough proof/evidence that he could run the Philippine government.
So in my opinion I really think that this rumors might be true. As you can see, its all over the news already; television, radio, newspapers. I even heard Mike Defensor speaking about this issue at an FM station which is aired Mondays to Thursdays 6pm to 10pm, and if you only heard what he was speaking about it was so out of context of the the radio show's program. Now its even in the news, there is discussion that is pushing Mrs. Arroyo to be Speaker of the House and her fellow colleagues are calling it as a "stroke of genius".
I don't know this might just be a sign that PGMA will still make her presence felt for the next coming years; this might just be one of her plans to remain in power. I don't know this are just some thoughts in my head. I think even if this rumor is already out in the open, the public will still be the judge of it. I just hope that the public isn't to blind to see it.
* Check out : http://www.facebook.com/note.php?created&&suggest¬e_id=327132797493&id=302941767228#!/notes/vote-out-pgma/the-secret-meeting-is-not-so-secret-anymore-by-bb-oria/327132797493
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